Whether you desire to:

  • Lose weight so you can feel great about yourself.

  • Heal your gut so your pain, inflammation, bloating and stress are a thing of the past.

  • Know what's best for you to eat so you can enjoy great meals anywhere.

  • Get off prescription meds so you can be free of side effects and dependency.

Transformation Station will take you by the hand, and lead you step-by-step while exploring who you are, where you are now, and where you want to go with your health and lifestyle. You will identify emotional components contributing to your behaviors and habits. You will gain practical skills for shifting your emotions and mindset to create the foundation needed to support and integrate your health and lifestyle goals. You will understand more about your Personalized and unique nutritional needs. Based on this information you will learn which whole, organic and real food are best for you and how to make them a priority. 

Here's EXACTLY What You'll Get As A Member Of Transformation Station:

The program is broken down into 3 main modules that are accessible all at once, each module is 4 weeks of lessons for a total of a 12-week life-changing experience.

All of the program materials, including professionally shot HD videos, MP3s, video tech training tutorials, and worksheets are available inside the online Transformation Station membership site and Private Members Facebook group.

Module 1 - Foundational Nutrition

  • In the first four weeks, I'll get to know you, your health challenges, and where you want to go. and prepare a personalized easy-to-follow nutritional and lifestyle plan.

  • In this module, you will discover how to be healthy and rely on your body's wisdom so you can have the best life you can imagine.

  • You will also learn how to eat well without having to sacrifice the foods you love.


Module 2 - Self Understanding

  • In this module, you will discover how to implement your personalized nutrition and health goals and how changing your behavior will make your new story become your reality.

  • You will also learn how to simply make the healthy choices that will lead to your success in fulfilling your dreams. without having to sacrifice who you truly are and what is most important to you.

  • In this module, you will discover how to understand your Feelings and Motivations so you get to the end result in your own creative way.

Module 3 - Practical Skills and Applications

  • In this module, you will learn more about what having a “balanced lifestyle” means and how to transition through to the integration of your New Story.

  • You will experience how Integration of Thoughts, Body, and Vision and how your body moves and supports your Health and Lifestyle vision.

  • You will also learn the fundamentals of cooking real food without having to spend a lot of time and attention
